This time, I want to spend my me time by watching a movie...Well, Twilight just opened up here in the metro...can't wait to watch it and see how much of the book was caught in the film...if you know what I mean hehehehehe...
Well,,,,I love it!!!Rob Pattinson as Edward, Kristen Stewart as Bell and the one who played as Jacob (forgot his name)....they fit the part...they are as what I imagined them to be from the book....I was just disappointed with Rosalie. She was not as beautiful as what being depicted in the book...and also what is that with James' coven being shown as early as 14 mins into the movie and Victoria at the ending?!!!Well, i think they are trying to put more suspense in the movie...but I believed it should have been better if it was on the latter part of the story. Well, I was disappointed that blood typing was not included in the movie. They got the Charlie's house, truck, baseball scene, the ballet studio scene and the prom perfect!!!One that I cannot forget is the "pepper spray" hahahaha....really fun though it is not in the book....So, for all twilight lovers....go watch it....
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